Jus Blaze Radio Show Submissions All spoken word artists, conscious rappers and lovers of hip hop....this is your time to shine. The Voiceness and The R-sonist are currently seeking submissions for the Jus Blaze radio show being broadcast on North Carolina A&T State University's station. Just know that we are setting the pace in the Middle East. We need you! All of my southern poets represent!! All of my concious rappers--represent. We are bringing the best of the best and doing it with flavor. To be a part of this movement submit your MP3's to [email protected] with the subject line entitled "Jus Blaze Radio Submissions" or you can send CD's to the following address: Donalja James North Carolina A&T State University 1601 E Market Street Bluford Library-ATL Greensboro, NC 27411 We are also seeking additional radio guests. If you would like to be a special radio guest, submit your bio along with samples of your work. We are looking to make it happen in the '06. This is straight official. Know that the streets are watchin and the Piedmont wants to hear YOU! Check out the website at
Please invite listeners to the Unspoken Journey...Giving voice to our life, love and tears. This black history program will be Sunday, Feb. 18 beginning at 4:00pm at the Williams Memorial CME Church 3400 Triangle Lake Rd in High Point. Community members will share one experience that occured before or during desergregation. This is oral history coming to life. Call 883-7330 if you are interested in participating.
Posted by: Francine Mallory | February 08, 2007 at 03:55 PM