PoetryGSO is a project, a series of events, a collaboration, an idea, a video, a website, a web log and a way to celebrate National Poetry Month (April) in Greensboro, North Carolina. The purpose is to raise awareness and appreciation of poetry.
Why poetry?
Whether we realize it or not, poetry is an integral part of our lives. We use poetry in our worship (hymns, psalms, chants) and our entertainment (nursery rhymes, hip hop music, country ballads, folk music). Often, it is how we express our most intimate feelings. Poetry is part of our public lives: from funerals to building dedications, poetry is a component of community celebrations and personal rituals.
Why Greensboro?
Randall Jarrell (the man in the picture) was one of the most well known poets in the United States when he lived in Greensboro (1947-1965) where he taught at The Woman's College of the University of North Carolina (now UNCG). Jarrell was the Poetry Consultant to the Library of Congress (a title which was later changed to United States Poet Laureate) from 1956-1958. His widow, Mary Jarrell, lives in Greensboro.The best way to honor the memory of Randall Jarrell is to cultivate a greater love of poetry in the city where he lived, taught and died.
What can you expect?
Expect to have many opportunities to hear poets reading their work throughout the community. Expect to experience poetry in places you have not before. Expect the past National Poet Laureate, Billy Collins to pay a visit to Greensboro on April 4th. Expect to be drawn in to the 811 / Poetry section of you local library and book store. Expect to discover the poet in you.
What can you do?
Consider the presence of poetry in your life. Submit your favorite poem online. Find a favorite poem by browsing Poetry Databases made available online via your public library. Attend a poetry slam or reading. Let us know about poetry events not yet mentioned on poetrygso.org
Why a Web Log?
The web log will be updated weekly to share new dimensions of the project and include guest authors to write about poetry. Feel free to comment on the project, poetry, poems, events or poets.